Last week, after the presidential election here in the Not Very United States, I felt like life had just flipped me the bird. 🖕🏻 And then finished that off with a hale and hearty Fuck You! Ooof.
I am so sad for this country I love, who clearly does not love me back. This is not a new revelation, but there is a fresh sting to it. My fellow citizens voted a convicted felon, convicted sex offender and grifter into the highest office in the country. My fellow citizens are emboldened again to vocalize their racism and sexism, their blaming of “the other” for all their woes.
I am so sad I had to tell my 17 year old that she needs to find a job in another country because I don’t want her to stay here for what will surely become an existential mess. Looking at the cabinet picks that have been made so far, I suggest we all pull down our pants, bend over and wait.
Time to get out of the BMW (bitch, moan and whine) and get on with the other bird flip. I was gardening in my front yard recently, and sat down on the steps to give my back a break. That’s the thing with chronic pain, you go go go until you can’t. You sit, you rest, and do it all over again.
As I rested I heard an explosive sound above my head and watched as a tiny creature plummeted to the ground. Bird strike, and a hard one. I got up to see if the bird had survived and was surprised to see it moving slightly. Without hesitation I gently scooped the little guy up, as I have cats and my neighbor’s cat also thinks my home is his territory.
He had knocked himself out so I decided to hold him in my lap until he woke up. At first I wondered if he should be sleeping, because they always tell humans to stay awake after a head injury. But then I told my anxiety to take several seats. I hoped he would make it, but I am just a birdwatcher not a bird doctor. Unfortunately birds striking windows kills a lot of them.
He is a Nuttall’s Woodpecker, a small woodpecker found mainly in California. His coloring and feathers were so lovely, and he immediately had my heart. That little woodpecker was in my lap for an hour and a half, slowly regaining his composure and strength. That hour and half was so peaceful and so welcome, it was a little moment of joy as I gently cradled this tiny creature in my lap.
He is almost ready to fly away in the video above, but needed a little more TLC, which I was happy to provide. I knew this was a moment that would likely never happen again, so I was fine with him staying as long as he needed to.
Right before he flew off, he turned his head and looked me dead in the eye for what felt like 10 minutes but was in reality 10 seconds. He seemed to be studying me, acknowledging me and thanking me. He tilted his head, turned back around and flew off with strength and steadiness. He had nurtured me as much as I had nurtured him.
I have decided to actively pursue “Moments of Joy” like this one, and enjoy them whenever and wherever I find them.
Join me.
Such a sweet little story in a time we all need it. Nature tends to do that. Thank you, Cheryl. xo Valentina
Great post! Spot on politically and ornithologically! Love the cute video.❤️